
The Justice Building of District 12 was used for formal administration such as registration of marriages, a place for tributes to bid goodbye to their loved ones, and the occasional award to citizens doing something outstanding.
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[ti]Invite[/ti]Claws || Tatum
Jun 27, 2017 11:40:41 GMT -7
The square is in the middle of the city in front of the Justice Building. It is where the reapings are held every year to see who will be put into the Hunger Games.
District 5's black market. The market stretches along a narrow alleyway between poor residential buildings on the east end of the district's main city. Doors into the alleyway have been barricaded by stall owners, and the entrances on either end seem to be nothing more than trash dumps - unless you know the secret way in.
All children age 5-18 must attend school. Failure to do so will result in a visit from Peacekeepers.

District 5

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I miss you guys
Eileen 5 480 by Party Goat
Jul 15, 2024 11:25:28 GMT -7
1st Hunger Games Unofficial Tribute Sign-Up
Ryo Dante 12 1,806 by Deleted
Nov 16, 2017 10:28:10 GMT -7
Welcome to Panem Today!
Rebecca 0 778 by Rebecca
Sept 9, 2017 12:23:14 GMT -7
Getting Started
Eileen 0 1,895 by Eileen
Jul 27, 2015 9:03:14 GMT -7
Wild Ones
Deleted 5 822 by Aiden Solis
Sept 15, 2017 18:48:48 GMT -7
[ti]Invite[/ti]The World Is Waiting || Aiden
Ava Paragon 16 1,175 by Ava Paragon
Sept 1, 2017 19:14:52 GMT -7
[ti]Invite[/ti]Get Drunk on the Good Life // Tatum
Deleted 7 500 by Deleted
Jul 20, 2017 17:16:27 GMT -7

Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
District 5
Its main industry is power and electricity and is considered as a wealthy district. It has 15 power plants in operation with a population of 134,345, making it the fifth largest district, in terms of population. It is located in western Panem around the Rocky Mountains as it would need to power the Capitol.
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